Postural Correction

Physiotherapy works on postural correction, especially in cases of scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, and hyperlordosis. It uses techniques of stretching, muscle strengthening, and postural reeducation to promote a more aligned and functional posture.

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Postural deviations, such as scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), hyperkyphosis (abnormal increase in thoracic curvature), and hyperlordosis (abnormal increase in lumbar curvature), can cause discomfort, pain, and functional limitations.

Postural physiotherapy aims to correct these deviations through specific exercises to strengthen and elongate imbalanced muscles, joint mobilization techniques, and postural education. The goal is to promote a more aligned and comfortable posture, thus reducing the risk of injuries and improving musculoskeletal function.

Why Physical Therapy is recommended for this treatment?

Physical Therapy is recommended for postural correction because physiotherapists have the knowledge and skills necessary to assess postural deviations and develop individualized treatment plans. They use a variety of techniques and therapeutic approaches to correct muscular imbalances, promote joint mobility, and teach patients strategies to maintain a healthy posture in their daily lives.